Why Choose Ozone Water Treatment?


Ozone, a powerful oxidizing agent, offers numerous benefits for water treatment in aquaculture, making it an indispensable tool for modern fish farming. Here’s why ozone stands out:

a microscopic view of water all around


Ozone effectively eliminates bacteria, viruses, and parasites, ensuring a healthier environment for your aquatic stock.
a black and white picture of a cow

Oxidation of Harmful Compounds

Ozone oxidizes harmful ammonia, nitrites, and other contaminants, reducing their levels and mitigating the risk of toxic build-up.

a fish in a tank with a ton of other fish

Water Clarity

By breaking down organic matter and other pollutants, ozone helps maintain crystal-clear water, improving the overall appearance and quality of your aquaculture systems.

water droplets in a massive container of water

Increased Oxygen Levels

Ozone treatment increases dissolved oxygen levels, promoting better respiration and growth for fish and other aquatic organisms.
a plant with dew scattered all over it with light coming from the sun

Environmentally Friendly

Ozone is a green technology, breaking down into oxygen without adding harmful residues, making it safe for both the environment and your aquaculture systems.

Fish Farming

Ozone can improve the health and growth rates of fish by ensuring cleaner water and reducing pathogen loads. It helps in maintaining optimal water quality, which is crucial for the efficient and sustainable production of fish.

man touching fish in a container of a ton of other fish
person holding a pile of shellfish

Shellfish Farming

Ozone treatment helps in reducing harmful bacteria and viruses, ensuring safer and healthier shellfish. Filter feeders such as oysters and clams can accumulate contaminants from the water and are susceptible to water quality issues. Even with shellfish such as shrimp, ozone treatment results in healthier livestock and a more marketable product by lowering the overall bacterial load in their environment.


In hatcheries, maintaining high water quality is essential for the survival and growth of fish larvae. Ozone effectively eliminates pathogens and organic pollutants, providing a clean and safe environment for young fish. This leads to higher survival rates and better growth performance.
a massive tank for hatcheries of fish
live organisms in water with clean treated water

Live Feed

Live feed is widely used in hatcheries, but can harbor bacteria or other pathogens that harms growth and survival of livestock. Ozone can be used to sanitize the surfaces of live feed, eliminating microbes and reducing the risk of disease. Good feed quality improves the growth and survival of farmed livestock.

Influent Water Treatment

Using surface water in flow-through systems poses a risk of contamination by waterborne fish pathogens. Ozone offers faster and more complete inactivation of these pathogens compared to other methods, making it an excellent choice for treating influent water. After treatment, only oxygen is left behind, making it one of the cleanest water treatment technologies available. Waterborne pathogens can substantially reduce livestock health and profitability, making disease prevention through ozone treatment a wise investment for many operators.
a waterfall in a clean treated river
dirty water coming out of a pipe

Effluent Water Treatment

Proper treatment of effluent water from aquaculture facilities is essential for environmental protection, disease control, regulatory compliance, and sustainable practices. Untreated effluent, which can contain high levels of nutrients, organic matter, and pathogens, poses a risk to natural water bodies and wild fish populations. Treatment, such as ozone treatment which can inactivate nearly 100% of microbes, helps maintain natural biodiversity and promotes healthier aquatic environments. Additionally, it ensures compliance with environmental regulations, preventing legal issues and supporting the long-term sustainability of aquaculture operations.

Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS)

RAS benefit significantly from ozone treatment as it helps in managing water quality by reducing organic load, controlling pathogens, and maintaining optimal oxygen levels. Ozone helps in reducing the frequency of water exchanges, making RAS more efficient and cost – effective.
a bunch of tanks filled with dirty water being treated
tanks being treated being ready for livestock

Safety with Livestock

When introducing ozone, its residual effects on biofilters and fish must be carefully considered. Managers are cautious about using ozone in direct contact with livestock due to harmful effects that can occur even at low concentrations. However, ozone’s high reactivity allows it to be quickly removed at specific points in the water treatment process, ensuring livestock in culture tanks are separated from ozone present in treatment systems. Purifico Ozone offers a seamless experience with expert guidance and installation services, ensuring safe and effective water treatment.

Why Choose Purifico for Aquaculture?

Purifico provides cutting-edge ozone solutions tailored for the aquaculture industry. Our systems are designed to improve water quality, reduce disease, and enhance overall productivity in your operations. We provide professional installation services to ensure that your system is set up correctly and performs optimally from day one.