

Prioritize safety with Purifico’s water treatment systems, made and engineered in Canada. Our systems are designed with your community’s well-being in mind, ensuring effective, reliable, and safe operations for your crops, livestock, and people. Trust Purifico for peace of mind in water treatment.

A hand gently cradling the roots of a plant, emphasizing the care and attention given to nurturing healthy root systems for robust plant growth and vitality.

How does ozone affect crops?

Ozone is very safe for plants and is environmentally friendly, because oxygen is both the ingredient used to make ozone as well as the product of ozone decay.  Plants are generally resistant to oxidative stress and it is usually not a major concern if they are irrigated with water containing residual ozone.  In fact, in most situations this is beneficial, as it will create an oxygen-rich environment in the root zone and can eliminate pathogens that reside on or near the plant roots.  This is particularly useful for hydroponics producers. 

How does ozone affect livestock?

As with plants, ozone is safe to use with livestock because it leaves only oxygen in solution. Ozonation will remove harmful chemicals, eliminating unpleasant odors or tastes, and adds oxygen. This makes your water more palatable and, in our experiences, increases the amount of water that livestock will drink. This can have huge benefits for overall livestock health. Our customers have seen dairy output increase by as much as 20% due to their cows liking the water better and drinking more of it.

There are two main considerations for using ozone to treat water destined for consumption by animals:

  • Remove dissolved ozone before the water is consumed. This is simple to ensure through process controls.
  • Not all water sources are suitable for ozone-based water treatment.  Purifico will assess suitability of ozone for your facility by conducting water analyses as part of initial consultation.
A brown cow drinking water from a trough, depicting a moment of hydration and nourishment in the life of livestock.
A holographic graphic displaying various work safety protocols and guidelines, illustrating their importance in ensuring a secure and protected work environment for employees.

Is Ozone Safe for Humans?

Ozone is a hazardous gas, and it is important to limit exposure to humans. Our systems are very safe, constructed with multiple safety redundancies to prevent accidental exposure to ozone gas. This includes flow, pressure, vacuum, ORP and atmospheric ozone sensors, as well as automatic shutdown procedures to prevent exposure in case of any malfunctions. Workplace safety requirements vary between provinces or regions, and so while our standard safety processes are robust, Purifico will work with clients to integrate additional safety systems as needed.


Our systems are equipped with ambient ozone sensors that shut off ozone production if a leak is detected. Additional ambient ozone sensors, placed throughout a facility for workplace safety, can be integrated into the automatic shutoff of our systems.